Sara Rose's Invitation to New Year’s Workshop!
Sara Rose in our beautiful studio, doing what she does best—connecting with our precious students.
HI Everyone! I’m Sara Rose, and I am honored to once again teach our New Year’s Yoga class, this year on Sunday January 2nd, from 10 am to 12 noon.
This year’s new year’s class theme is Bravery and Beauty.
Our yoga practice will be accompanied by stories of the brave and beautiful-hearted monkey known as Hanuman.
Through his stories—some you may have heard, and some details might be new for you—we will see ourselves and one another.
Yoga is an opportunity to ask ourselves questions about what we most deeply want, who we want to be, what we want to bring to this world.
After another year of great challenges in this world-wide pandemic, we’ve shared a collective journey that has challenged our fears, required our resilience, and asked for our care and consideration of one another.
What I love about our Yoga Sanctuary New Year’s practice is the opportunity to reflect both individually and together on what has transpired, and how we grew, and what is left unfinished at the end of the year.
Yoga invites us into a heart full of greatness, and a life in which bravery is not only meeting the challenges of life and surviving, but seeing and creating beauty. To discover the true beauty of the self, we need each other.
And so together, let’s practice and breathe, make room for grief and joy, by moving through creative sequences that will help us digest, assimilate and appreciate the learning of 2021, and open our hearts wide for the beauty and wonder, the unknown gifts and opportunities of the New Year.
There will be active practice with modifications to make it just right for you, along with restful, meditative time to replenish and restore. We will end with time for contemplation, writing (I’ll offer you prompts), or meditation.
I hope to see you there! In the studio or online, wherever you are in the world.