A reflection from Lindsay on 1 year of YS Ownership...
Lindsay & Jonathan on the day they bought the studio!
It’s been one year since I bought Yoga Sanctuary, and what a year it’s been. I certainly did not anticipate the pandemic lasting quite this long, and I did not know how challenging this year would be personally. And yet, growing into yoga as a profession rather than a hobby has had its perks.
There is an intimacy, like in long-term partnership, that is hard to replace. I love how deeply I know the teachers and the work study staff. I love that I know students’ names. I weirdly love mopping the shiny floors and vacuuming the carpets, tending to this space that I have sweat on and cried in since 2011. I appreciate that I know a lot more about online tech than I ever did before (maybe more than I care to know?). I have learned how to better set boundaries and receive critique. It has not been easy, but there is nothing worth having that really is.
The biggest joy has been watching hybrid classes unfold over the last month, with the promise of a vision I had for our community from the start. I try to show up each day in practice, to detach from a certain outcome, all while affirming that the attachment I do feel comes from a place of deep caring! That both are necessary and true. I am looking forward to the coming year, which will hopefully contain much more communal breathing and om-ing!
Thank you to the entire Yoga Sanctuary community for supporting our collective yoga home over the past year. May the coming year deepen our collective practice and may our dreams for our community come to fruition.