Collective Spotlight: Rachel Martins

Meet Rachel Martins! Rachel is a life-coach and educator, and she will be leading a series of parenting workshops at Sanctuary this fall and winter. Visit our events page to learn more.

Why did you want to become a life coach?

When I found life coaching it transformed my life in many meaningful ways. Learning to manage my mind, rather than let my mind be a runaway train, helped me manage my anxiety, create more space and abundance in my life, and see the ways my thoughts were holding me back from living the life I desired. One of the most meaningful ways life coaching changed my life was in allowing me to transform my relationships with my daughters from fraught difficult relationships, into connected, joyful, loving relationships. Once I saw the power of life coaching, I wanted to share it with everyone!

What have you gained from this work?

I have gained so much from life coaching! I have learned how to notice my thoughts and examine them to determine in which ways they serve me and how they hold me back. I have also used life coaching to achieve many meaningful goals in my personal and professional life from creating more space and time in an extremely busy life, to learning how to show up in healthier and more connected ways with my daughters, to learning how to manage anxiety.

What do you hope your clients feel after working with you?

I want parents to feel more connection and joy in parenting and in their relationship with their child, as well as a sense of empowerment that they have the tools and strategies to manage the challenges that will inevitably come up in parenting. I also want parents to feel that they have the support they need to manage the stress of parenting and of life!

How does your work inform your activism or understanding of the world?

Well, to quote Whitney Houston "I believe the children are our future". So many of us were raised in a time when not a lot of thought was given to children's emotional well being, or the parent-child relationship, but want to raise our children differently, in a way that allows them to grow up with a sense of emotional security, resilience, and true connection to the adults in their lives. So many of us adults are still working to heal from our childhoods and I am passionate about creating a new generation of kids who do not have to do this.

What's your favorite season of the year and why?

I love summer! I love the warmth that envelops me, the expansiveness of the days, the earthy smells, and the abundance of life and growth. I also love swimming and playing in water!

What has made you smile recently that you feel the need to share?

The unexpected joy that has come with teaching my oldest daughter to drive!

Read Rachel’s bio.

Visit Rachel’s website.


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