Community Spotlight: The Parlor Room Collective

Meet our June 2024 Community Spotlight organization, The Parlor Room Collective!

“Our mission is to enhance the health and vitality of our community through music. We believe in the ability of music to transcend boundaries, bridge gaps, and uplift spirits. Our vision is to create a space where diverse audiences can come together to experience the magic of live music, fostering a sense of belonging and shared cultural appreciation.”

We spoke with Executive Director Chris Freeman about The Parlor Room’s new journey as a nonprofit, and the organization’s most exciting project, reviving the Iron Horse Music Hall.

When was The Parlor Room Collective founded?

The Parlor Room was founded in 2012 by Signature Sounds Recordings to be both the record label offices and a small music venue. It transitioned to a nonprofit in 2022 and started an educational wing called The Musician’s Workshop. Our main goal is to maintain the unique and vibrant music and arts culture that Northampton has enjoyed and been built around for over 45 years since the Iron Horse's founding.

How would you describe the impact of your work?

We put on over 400 shows a year in multiple venues. We have worked to maintain and revive music venues in our community that had been shuttered due to the pandemic. We opened the Iron Horse on May 15 with over 65 shows already booked.

What project are you most excited about developing over the coming years, and why?

Bringing the Iron Horse back to life. It’s a legendary venue in a world where independent venues are becoming increasingly scarce. We are specifically excited to expand community access and kids’ programming to the space. We can utilize it in off hours and make sure that a community treasure is able to continue well into the future.

What is one simple thing an individual can start doing that could make a difference in the lives of those you serve?

Come to a show and enjoy live music in Northampton.

Learn more & get involved:


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