LB Moore

Certified TCTSY Facilitator (TCTSY-F) | Raja Yoga Student

Photo Credit: Sage Orville

(they/them or ze/zir)

LB is a nerdy, land-oriented trauma steward whose somatic and movement work is rooted in a deep trust of bodies and the way that possibilities open up when we have access to genuine choice. Their work with people and movement is guided by a strong sense of the ecological and fractal connectedness of all life, in its wonder, heartbreak, and fluidity. LB’s path into somatic modalities is shaped by their work as licensed mental health practitioner as an organic expression of learning and living more deeply into how healing processes unfold.

LB’s primary offering at Sanctuary at this time is Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY), which is an empirically-validated choice-based movement practice for survivors navigating the effects of complex trauma. You can learn more about TCTSY’s body of research and beyond on the TCTSY website. As a former elite athlete and person with lifelong chronic pain, LB is also drawn to the dynamic reality that embodiment, movement, and physical activity cultures can be sites of both harm and healing. While they’ve been drawn to diverse movement vocabularies, LB’s first experiences with yoga in particular began as a child of 8 or 9 when they began joining their dad for outdoor community classes in a small rural town in the Appalachian foothills of Georgia. 

LB moves through the world as a white-racialized, neuroqueer, disabled Jewish settler on Turtle Island. From this social location, and particularly as someone working with a clinically-developed modality rooted in the ancient and breathing wisdom tradition of yoga, LB is committed to the evolving process of self-study, nonviolence, and reparation. One expression of this commitment is through deeper study of Raja yoga from a liberation-focused lens with Felicia Savage-Friedman of Yoga Roots on Location. They are joyously dedicated to the radical emergence of collective liberation and safety for all bodies. 

Visit LB’s website


  • Certified Facilitator of Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY-F)

  • Masters of Education, Physical Education and Coaching 

  • Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)