Member Mondays with Luahn Page

Every week on the YS Instagram, we feature one of our current members for Member Monday. This week, meet Luahn Page.

Luahn with her grandson Aiden, son of another lifelong YS student, Joia Garner.

How long have you been a member of Yoga Sanctuary?

My regular yoga practice and sporadic teaching has shadowed Sara’s career when I started at Northampton Yoga 26 years ago. I just followed Sara when she and Tara started Yoga Sanctuary decades ago and have continued since. 

What’s your favorite class/who’s your favorite teacher at YS?

As my practice has evolved and my body has aged I’ve come to appreciate the benefits of the gentler classes such as Lisa’s Level 1, Erin’s Yin and Beth’s Restorative. The longer, supported holds are recommended as we age. But I haven’t met a yoga class at YS that I don’t like and dearly love our Sara and Ellie who have been teachers and friends since day one.

What do you love about YS?

I love that over the decades Yoga Sanctuary has adapted to current circumstances without losing its core values and integrity. Paraphrasing Sara “That’s why we practice: So we have the skills to cope and adapt when we meet one of life’s challenges.” Pandemic-style YS isn’t the first, although the most dramatic, pivot this community has made!

Why did you start taking classes here?

I guess I answered in #1. Ever since I learned about yoga in high school (nearly 50 years ago!) I knew it was for me so I took classes and followed books when I found them. But it was when I turned 40 that workshops, a regular class routine and teacher trainings became my lifelong practice.

What do you do for fun?

For fun I play with my beloved, nearly one year old grandson, Aiden, AND I love to bake! (Aiden, pictured here, is the son of another lifelong YS student, Joia Garner).

What’s your favorite (pick one! animal, vegetable, kitchen appliance, season)?

Favorite kitchen appliance is my Kenwood mixer which has held up to decades of cookie & bread doughs and mixed dozens of celebratory birthday cakes. It makes me happy whenever I lift it out of the cabinet onto the counter, anticipating the treat to come!

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

Favorite pose is Downward Dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana. I once had a teacher who referred to this pose as the multi-vitamin of poses. It feels that way to me: my body intuitively chooses it again & again!

What yoga teaching has impacted you the most?

Om Sri Sat Guru. I frequently repeat this mantra and teaching to myself. For me and to me it is an affirmation of one of my own core beliefs that feels like I was born with. In my heart and mind it translates to mean that the True Teacher and Pure Luminous Teachings are within me and each of us. The yoga practice guides us to this home place over and over.

Why do you practice yoga?

I practice yoga because it nurtures my mind, body and spirit. I feel the pranic pathways decongest so the life force energy can move. My mind is stimulated by the teachings, my body becomes relaxed but vibrant with the asana and my spirit is uplifted. That’s a lot of return on a bit of invested time!


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